Harmony Homestay

Travel & Accommodation

Surrey B.C.

Website , Social Media, Events, Email Marketing

About Harmony Homestay

Since 2008, Harmony Homestay has helped build global connections by helping international students find homestay families here in Canada during their study abroad programs.


In 2021, Harmony Homestay came to picnic with the ultimate goal of raising brand awareness and expanding its database of host families for international students. To support this goal, picnic launched a marketing campaign for Harmony Homestay with a modern twist to match its brand identity & mission statement. It included a new website design, an email marketing drip campaign, online events, and social media marketing.

The Approach

Harmony Homestay began with a Marketing Roadmap and Brand Redesign in Q1 2022 to update its website and support more efficient customer journeys. Picnic also worked with Snap Systems and Salt Water Digital to prepare digestible content with clear call-to-actions for Harmony Homestay’s audience through a drip campaign and social advertising. 

In the spring and fall, picnic prepared a monthly online event series that was promoted through FB ads and their newsletter. Prospective hosts could attend and participate in a Q&A to see if Harmony Homestay was right for them. 

Picnic also added a Facebook group for current and prospective hosts where they could engage with other hosts and create a community. Picnic moderated the group, shared events, and encouraged discussion and photo sharing.

The Results

Harmony Homestay advertised throughout 2022, focusing on the spring and fall seasons, and reached 226 thousand people who were interested in Travel, which resulted in 252 applications.  

picnic is a professional and experienced organization to work with. I have been incredibly satisfied with the level of expertise but by far their customer service. My company has greatly benefitted from working with them and I highly recommend them.

– Amanda Carrasco, Owner of Harmony Homestay

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